About us

We are Gallos Marmol, a Peruvian company that produces and markets travertines, limestones and marbles. We market our products in more than 20 countries around the world, maintaining the highest standards of quality and service. All the stones shown in the following sections come from our quarries that are located at more than 3500m.s.n.m. in the Andes of Peru. These stones have been selected throughout generations for their architectural attributes, excellent physical properties and the great extent of their reserves.

Roots of Marble Roosters
In the Peruvian natural stone industry, it dates back to 1870, when the Rosselló family started its first marble workshop in the center of Lima, the family decided to name the company as GALLOS MARMOLERIA S.A. in reference to the name of the street in Lima where he operated the first marble sculpture workshop of the Rosselló family. Marble roosters is the result of more than 140 years in the stone industry.
Roots Roots
Gallos has more than 50 own quarries which are scattered in the Andes Mountains, all of them at heights above 3,500 meters above sea level. These quarries are operated by Gallos using the most modern technology and with the competent local workforce.

Social responsability
Gallos exploits quarries of a natural product that is to say it works in an environment free of contaminants. Our responsibility includes minimizing the impact on the environment of the community’s ecosystems, and even restoring the land to its natural environment after the exploitation is over. We also work together with the communities to help them develop projects such as: construction of irrigation canals, schools, roads and diverse infrastructure; In addition to training and training people with job skills to improve their standards, and help them outsource their services.

Architects Program
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